The Family Reunion Tour

Audacity: Celebrating Black Art, Building Community

In 2024, Audacity took its boldest step yet—hitting the road for our very first tour to four cities, celebrating and uplifting the Black artist community. The Audacity Family Reunion Tour was more than just a series of events; it was a movement. We brought together 20+ incredible artists and formed partnerships with over 30 local businesses across the East Coast, creating an immersive experience that fused diverse art forms—film, music, dance, and visual art—in ways never seen before. With over 300 attendees, we built a powerful space for collaboration and community.

Now, we're gearing up for the 2025 Breakout Tour—and we can’t wait to bring seven artists from our community on the road to share their creativity with you. Learn how you can support Audacity and help us continue building this incredible network of talent, unity, and opportunity. See you on the road!

Pittsburgh, PA


Baltimore, MD


Charlotte, NC


Richmond, VA
